
  • Daytime Postpartum Visits: $630+

    • 3hr visits over the first 2 months postpartum.

    • $35/hr when booking a min of 18 hrs.

    • Generous phone, text, email support throughout

  • 10hr visits over the first few months postpartum at $35/hr (min booking is 30 hrs)

    Generous text and email support

    • Trained Birth Doula

    • Trained Postpartum Doula

    • Infant CPR certified

    • LGBTQ families

    • High risk families

    • People with mood disorders

Lis (they/them) is a non-binary DONA trained birth and postpartum doula that centers their work around empathy, advocacy, and equity. Lis acts as a helpful guide throughout your birth journey, providing exercises to practice self-advocacy and self-affirmation through a trauma-informed lens. Through active listening and trust-building, Lis helps parents step into their power and feel confident in their abilities, leaving them with the most positive and rewarding birthing experience possible. 

Lis believes that the intersection of their queer, trans, and latinx identities informs their work in birth and postpartum support. They strive to uplift women while simultaneously advocating for the visibility of trans and gender-nonconforming individuals in birthing spaces. Lis’ postpartum support is focused on community care, embodying the phrase “it takes a village.” They provide holistic support for the entire family, whether it be assisting with household tasks, or being your evidence-based research conduit on all things fourth trimester. Lis strive to make sure your physical and emotional needs are met so you can best care for your newborn. They are also trained in lactation support and can assist with breastfeeding, bathing, and establishing a sleep routine. 

Lis lives in Brooklyn with their roommate and two cats. In their free time, they enjoy reading, knitting, and dancing.