Happy International Women’s Day!

Today, March 8, 2019, is International Women’s Day (IWD)! As birth and postpartum doulas, we feel lucky to witness the strength, grit, softness and wisdom of women every day. Some of our doulas share their thoughts on IWD:

What does IWD mean to you?

Sam: Every time March 8 rolls around, I am reminded to check in with myself and my fellow sisters. I honor all of the ways my life is impacted by my identity as a woman, the negative and the positive, and how I’ve grown from those experiences. It’s a chance for me to think about what strides women have made in the past year and what we must work towards in the future.

Who is a powerful woman in your life?

Erica: I look up to my sister, she has played many roles in my life including best friend; and at times, a parent and my biggest supporter. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her support and love. She’s an amazing person and it’s been incredible to watch her grow, specifically into a mom herself.

If you could send a message to all the women in the world today, what would you say?

Karla: I’ve always been inspired by MLK’s: “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” It’s easy to get caught up in all that holds us back now. As a doula in a woman focused field that helps women advocate for control over decisions that affect their body and family, I’m proud for any small role our doula agency has in making women feel more powerful.We want to take this opportunity to highlight the ways we can all support and celebrate women every day of the year:Support women owned businesses, buy art made by women, and go see live music performed by women.Send a message to a special woman in your life and thank her for being a positive presence.Sit down with a young woman/girl and create space for them to ask questions and talk about their experience of womanhood.Respect and stand for everyone who identifies as a woman because we are more powerful when we are in community together!

Source: https://www.planoly.com/blog/portfolio/int...

Tags Women, birth doula, postpartum doula, identity


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